Aylia keeps her library meticulously updated, brooking no disorder except from frequent visits by Daria or X.  She develops several innovative library organizational systems, quickly gaining a reputation among more senior librarians, many of whom beg for copies of her spells to improve running their libraries.  Aylia is happy to oblige, which revolutionizes quite a few things.

To Linnea's great annoyance, it isn't long before Aylia's library becomes the school's strongest draw to prospective students.  Access to the library becomes such an academic status symbol that all other aspects of the education -- grades, degrees, or which teachers one learned from -- start getting dwarfed by it.  Fortunately, Linnea's mother finds the whole thing thrilling, and is frequently discovered holed up in Aylia's library, studying obscure esoteric things.

Aylia graduates from the wizarding school at the age of twenty-four, a year later than she had originally been planning.  Eight weeks before her graduation, she meets a fellow student -- with a higher degree -- who's even more obsessed with books than she is.  While he tries interning at the wizarding school library, he decides he prefers reading to organizing, and goes instead into teaching.  He and Aylia stay friends for four years, then finally decide to get married.  They have a quiet, backyard wedding, which makes Lettie bawl about how no one ever lets her plan anything.

They have three children, starting five years after they get married.  The first boy is an athlete who finds his parents' book-obsessions awfully strange.  The second boy is crazy about magic theory (though he has a secret preference for X's explosives, too).  The girl enjoys books, but also loves fashion and shopping, which makes Grandma Lettie very happy.  She gets pretty spoiled indeed.

Aylia eventually leaves Linnea's mother's school and founds her own Umbrian library.  She and Dron each write a few books specifically for it, and Kuralla starts sending people there whenever they have questions she can't answer or doesn't get.  Aylia becomes much less well known in her own world than she had been in ours, but she's happier there, so she's content.

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